Sunday Note – To my sweet Maghee: What happens to miscarried children?
November 13, 2022
Tuesday Patient Stories – Kissimmee Tales Chapter 9A – The Journey
November 15, 2022The Washington Post reports that “scientists have found that ultra-processed foods are linked to higher rates of obesity, heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer.”
In an NIH-funded trial, scientists found that when they gave a “diet of ultra-processed foods” to participants, they “quickly gained weight and body fat.”
“But on the unprocessed, homemade diet,” the participants “lost weight, and they had reductions in cholesterol and an increase in their levels of an appetite-suppressing hormone called PYY.” However, “it’s not clear why the unprocessed and ultra-processed foods had such differing effects.”
But, even if we don’t know why we sure know that we and our families should avoid ultra-processed foods as much as possible.
The study was published in Cell Metabolism.
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