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September 16, 2022Dear Dr. Walt, what are the health risks of getting a manicure or pedicure? I’ve heard they can spread fungal diseases. Is that true? — Wanting a ManiPedi in Maryland
Dear Esthetic,
Some Christians argue against makeup or mani-pedis by quoting verses like: “In vain you beautify yourself” (Jeremiah 4:30, ESV).
My wife and resident theologian, who is beautiful inside and out, would say, “Women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control” (1 Timothy 2:9, ESV). My wife loves when I pamper her by funding her mani-pedis!
As to the physical risks of mani-pedis, such as infection, the Cleveland Clinic opines, “When you head to the salon for a little pampering and self-care, you want to walk out with freshly painted toenails — not an injury or infection. So, it’s important to make sure the salon you choose is clean and that the staff routinely sterilizes the instruments. If you can’t tell, don’t be shy to ask about cleaning procedures.”
The Cleveland Clinic has more recommendations here. The health experts at Yale also have great advice in an article titled, “What to Know Before Heading to a Nail Salon.”
If mani-pedi tools are not sterilized properly or if the technician damages your skin, you can get skin and nail infections – and not just from fungal infections, but also bacterial or viral infections – which may not show up for days or months.
As to the spiritual implications of mani-pedis, Christian blogger Fritz Chery writes this to women:
God is more concerned by your inner beauty. He wants you to be confident in Him. He wants you to know how beautiful you are in Christ.
There is nothing wrong with feeling beautiful and getting your [nails] done. Women should feel beautiful.
However, we must remember where our true identity lies. Our worth is found in Christ.
When we forget that we start believing the lies of the world. ‘I don’t look good enough. ‘I’m ugly without makeup.’ No! You’re beautiful.
She adds:
God looks at the heart. God is more concerned about you knowing where your true identity lies.
He is more concerned about you growing in Christ and bearing good fruit.
We should be more concerned about our spiritual beauty rather than our physical beauty.
Chery concludes:
Our confidence [as Christian women] should not be rooted in jewelry, hairstyles, [manicures or pedicures,] or our clothing. These things fade.
Our confidence should be rooted in Christ. It is always better to focus on developing godly character.
© Copyright WLL, INC. 2022. This blog provides healthcare tips and advice that you can trust about a wide variety of general health information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from your regular physician. If you are concerned about your health, take what you learn from this blog and meet with your personal doctor to discuss your concerns.