Saturday Book Report – A Major Review in Army Magazine
August 13, 2022
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August 15, 2022If you have not experienced an abortion yourself, you almost certainly know friends, family, and neighbors who — whether you realize it or not — have had a past abortion. What would you do if they revealed that to you?
My friend, Brenda Shuler, who is the Director of the Post-Abortion Ministry (called Bridges of Hope) at Life Network has given me permission to share this with you all.
In case I haven’t had the privilege of meeting you, I’m Brenda Shuler, and I lead Life Network’s Bridges of Hope post-abortion healing program. Through our Bridges of Hope Bible study or weekend retreat, we provide hope and healing to those who have experienced abortion.With the recent Supreme Court reversal of Roe v. Wade, we are seeing how the wide-spread attention on abortion and the topic of valuing human life is sparking an increasing number of women and men to contact us for support in the wake of a past abortion.Data tells us that 1 in 4 church attendees have experienced a past abortion. This means that many people in your church may currently be sitting silently dealing with the devastating effects of a past abortion.Your acknowledgement of your awareness of this can be one of the most powerful ways to combat the Enemy’s lies that they are alone … that this isn’t important … or that there is no hope if you have an abortion in your past.In this blog post, a past Bridges of Hope participant and current volunteer named Barb shares the lies she bought and how she found healing through our services. She encourages post-abortive people know that it is OK to seek help.
We are here to be a resource for you, if you are one of those 1 in 4 people who have been affected by abortion OR if you know someone else who had an abortion.Like Barb, you or a post-abortive person you know can also can find forgiveness and healing through our nine-week Bible study or weekend retreat.Please consider sharing this information and video with your congregation, and don’t hesitate to contact me directly if we can be of direct support to you or a friend.I can be reached by email at bshuler@elifenetwork.com or by phone at 719-355-1177.
If you contact Brenda, let her know I suggested you contact her.
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