Watching under one hour of TV a day reduces coronary heart disease and blood clots

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Watching under one hour of TV a day reduces coronary heart disease and blood clots

It’s tempting to binge-watch TV shows, and it might be hard to get off the couch after just one or two episodes. But it could be worth it.

HealthDay reports, “Researchers calculated that if people committed to watching just under an hour of TV a day, 11% of coronary heart disease cases could be eliminated” according to findings published online in BMC Medicine.

Though sedentary behavior or sitting for long stretches has previously been linked to coronary heart disease, this study turned the lens on screen-based sitting, including watching TV and leisure-time computer use.

Another study, a 130,000-person study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology found that Watching television could be tied to a higher risk for blood clots in adults.

These data indicated a 35% higher risk of blood clots in individuals who watched TV for an average of four hours or more per day, compared to people who watched 2.5 hours or fewer. Read more at United Press International.

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