Latest Review of my WWII Book – At First Light – is very encouraging

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Latest Review of my WWII Book – At First Light – is very encouraging

Most of you know that my WWII book, At First Light: A True World War II Story of a Hero, His Bravery, and an Amazing Horse, came out in April. It has amazing endorsements, and I’m delighted that the book has received 100% 5-star reviews from readers on Amazon (22 reviews), Barnes & Noble (16 reviews), GoodReads (18 reviews), Walmart (12 reviews), and Target (13 reviews). However, there were no professional reviews until this one that just came out. I couldn’t be more delighted and wanted to share it with you.

Books Make the Best Travelling Companions

May 30, 2022

“Gotta Love It Book Reviews” by Delores Long

Anyone planning on traveling by bus, plane, or train this summer should be sure to pack a book in their luggage, one as spellbinding and riveting as “At First Light” by Walt Larimore and Mike Yorkey ( Travel delays can become a welcome opportunity to get in some reading when you have an engrossing book in hand.

Books not only help transport the reader to a different time and place, but they also entertain with stories about the human condition that can educate, inspire, and awe.

“At First Light” is author Larimore’s recounting of his own father Phil Larimore’s exploits in World War II on the Southern European front. It’s an inspirational story complete with historical photographs, letters, and documents about the flesh and blood men who risked everything to make the world safe for democracy.

Larimore and Yorkey have done a yeomen’s job of reporting Phil Larimore’s story in vivid detail. And it’s a very appropriate choice for Memorial Day as it memorializes the efforts and sacrifices made by Larimore and his comrades during some of the darkest days of World War II.

“At First Light” is also a great book choice for those who are relaxing in their backyard or den this summer and want to time travel to an era when decency, right, and respect were all shared values.

“At First Light” by Walt Larimore and Mike Yorkey — Gotta Love It!

To have the book described as “spellbinding,” “riveting,” and “engrossing” is amazing. I so appreciate Dee’s review and hope it’s the first of many.

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  1. Thomas F Robbins says:

    Dr. Walt,
    Thank you so much for writing your masterpiece: “At First Light,” a marvelous story and tribute to your father. Thank you and others for the 15 years spent on research and drafts, so readers will know his story and why he was truly a remarkable individual.

    If I may, I have a three-part question to ask you: After Phil moved from Red Acres Estate to Baton Rouge, LA, in 1954, did he ever ride Chug again? When did Chug die, and how old was he?

    Thank you,
    Thomas Robbins

    • Thomas, thanks for your feedback about “At First Light.” Your kind words are an affirmation, an encouragement, and a blessing. I’ve included some information below in how you could share your thoughts with 3 online book review sites. That would be a great favor to me. Thanks for considering this.

      As to Chug, I wrote this in the “Epilogue” of the book. You’ll find this on page 362, “I recall a family trip to Charlottesville to visit the estate where he and Mom first lived. I remember him walking off by himself, and I asked Mom where he was going. She said Dad wanted to visit the grave of an old friend, a horse named Chug, but he wouldn’t allow her or us to accompany him.”

      From the news clippings about the auction, we are told that Chug was ten-years-old when purchased by Dad at the auction at Fort Myer on 07/10/47 (see page 350-351 in the book). Chug was alive when Mom and Dad married, in 1949. I have to assume that Chug died between 1949 and 1954, or roughly between twelve- and seventeen-years of age.

      Thanks again for the note. It is much appreciated. And, here’s more on how to tell others about the book:

      If you think it’s worthy of a 5-star rating, would you do so on these book rating websites for me? There’s no need to leave a review, just punch the five stars and enter. You can use your real name, a nick name, or a pseudonym.

      1) For Amazon, go to, scroll down the page to “Customer Reviews” and click on “Write a customer review.” Do the 5-star rating and then give your rating a title. No need to post a review unless you want to.
      2) For GoodReads, go to, scroll down to “Community Reviews”, and click on “Write a review”, then repeat above.
      3) For Barnes & Noble, go to, scroll down the page to “Customer Reviews” and click on “Write a Review”, then repeat above.

      One or more of the sites may want you to become a member to post a review. Please do. Then you can post your rating, go back to the site the next day and cancel your membership. If you can’t do them all, no sweat at all, but I’d be grateful if you did as many as you can, but in the order above.

      Thanks so much for doing this for me. Potential readers LOVE these reviews, especially the 5-star reviews.

      By the way, should you be led to type in a sentence or a paragraph of review into the comment section of your rating, please feel free to do so. Just follow these tips to keep them from rejecting it:


      1) DO NOT MENTION YOU KNOW ME — be sure to NOT mention knowing me. Refer to me as “the author” or by “Walt Larimore” in your review if you even mention me at all.
      2) BE YOU, NOT A MARKETER — describe what YOU enjoyed about the book or what YOU took away from reading it. Think feelings when writing, aka how you FELT while reading the book or after you finished reading the book. NOT facts about the book. Remember: “FEELINGS more than FACTS!” An easy way to tell if you’re too market-y is if there are too many “you’s” in your review – ex: “You will enjoy this book …”
      3) NO QUOTES OR PROMO IMAGES — don’t include quotes from the book or any promotional images. .
      4) TYPE OUT YOUR REVIEW — You can use the same review on each of these sites. it can be a paragraph or two or as short as a sentence or two.

      All the best.


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