Marketing of unhealthy foods still reaches US children, study finds
May 18, 2022![](https://drwalt.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Dr.-Walt-High-intake-of-ultra-processed-foods-increases-risk-for-a-second-heart-attack-and-stroke.jpg)
High intake of ultra-processed foods increases risk for a second heart attack and stroke
May 20, 2022It’s my and Barb’s 20th year of participating in Life Network‘s “Walk for Life.” If you don’t support a Crisis Pregnancy Center, we hope you’ll consider supporting our walk this year. Just click here to learn more or to make a donation.
Unfortunately, these amazing centers (there are over 2,500 in the U.S.) are coming under continuing vicious attacks. My friend, Gary Bauer wrote this earlier this week:
Attacking Women In Need
Last week, amid the renewed national debate over abortion, the New York Times published an opinion piece that demonized crisis pregnancy centers. The Times ran this biased column even as pro-life ministries were attacked by radical pro-abortion extremists.But in attacking crisis pregnancy centers, the Times also attacked the women in need that these centers serve. They attacked them for boldly embracing the choice of life.This New York Times column comes on the heels of a National Public Radio report that attempted to connect the pro-life movement to “white supremacy” and “male supremacy.” Ironically, the pro-life movement and crisis pregnancy centers are helping women, many of them are minority women, who are abandoned by selfish men!One of the great honors of my life has been the opportunity to speak at crisis pregnancy centers all over the country. I have met the selfless volunteers who staff these centers and come alongside the women who have been abandoned by the men in their lives and occasionally even their families. When those women choose life, these centers provide food, clothing and toys for their children.Sadly, I have met many women who have told me that one of their biggest regrets was the abortion they had.But I have never had anybody come up to me and say, “Mr. Bauer, my biggest regret is that I never aborted my daughter or son.” I have never met a grandparent who said, “I wish my daughter had gotten rid of that baby before it was born.”Crisis pregnancy centers are life-affirming. They save countless babies. Please find out where the CPC is in your community, and make the most generous donation you can to their work. They need our support now more than ever!
Like Gary, Barb and I have spoken for CPC fundraising banquets for over two decades. It’s always a terrific privilege and honor.
Heartbeat International has over 3,000 CPCs worldwide. They report that last year alone, their centers had these amazing statistics:
- 1,500,000 1.5 million clients were served
- 300,000 mothers choose life for their unborn baby
- 250,000 free ultrasounds were performed
- 3,000 or more unborn children’s lives were saved via abortion pill reversal medications
CareNet here in the U.S. reports:
- We support one of the largest networks of pregnancy centers in North America.
- With more than 1,100 affiliates and 30,000 volunteers, we provide immediate support to women and men considering abortion so they can choose life.
- Last year alone, our pregnancy centers provided clients with more than $62 million in free services.
- Operating the Pregnancy Decision Line, America’s only real-time call center providing pregnancy decision coaching to parents considering abortion. Many callers are only days away from an abortion.
- Bringing more churches into vibrant Pro Abundant Life ministry. We train churches to provide the long-term discipleship and support that pregnancy center clients need, building effective bridges between local pregnancy centers and churches so that these women and men don’t face another crisis pregnancy in the future.
- Equipping pro-life people to save babies from abortion. With more than a dozen free resources including three free online courses, a 40-day devotional, eBooks, and cutting-edge research, we’ve equipped more than 50,000 pro-life people to better intercede for the babies at risk.
- At Care Net, we don’t stop at saving the life of unborn children…we work to ensure that they — and their mothers and fathers — can experience the abundant life Christ brings. We do this by not just being pro-life, but by also being pro-motherhood, pro-fatherhood, pro-marriage, and pro-gospel.
- This Pro Abundant Life approach to saving babies from abortion is what makes Care Net so effective.
Again, thanks for considering supporting my and Barb’s “Walk for Life.”
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