“At First Light” declared “the perfect labor induction agent”
May 21, 2022
Bloom features “At First Light” on Military Monday around the country
May 23, 2022I was so very honored, privileged, and blessed to present a webinar for the International Christian Medical and Dental Associations this last week on the subject of “Praying with patients in clinical care.” The response was amazing, with health professionals attending from 70 countries. If you’d like to listen in, see the information below.
The ICMDA webinars are translated live into Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, French, and Portuguese. Here’s the information and links that were sent from ICMDA to the participants:
In case you missed it, a recording of the webinar is now available online – please click below to watch again.
- Webinar recording
- NEW! Podcast version (or search for ICMDA in your podcast provider)
- Presentation slides
- All questions from the Q&A session
Recommended resources and links:
- Dr. Walt Larimore’s website
- Join a Saline Process training
- Grace Prescriptions: Praying With and For Patients (video)
- Praying With Our Patients (Article) written by Dr. Larimore
- From Hardja Priatna: Thank you Dr Larimore, i will restart to pray seriously and intensely for and with me, my patients and colleagues. Hope Jesus will be glorified.
- From Kenneth Tan: thanks so much for this presentation, will be eagerly waiting for the recording. God bless you Dr. Larimore and Dr Saunders.
- From Marissa Resulta: Thank you, Dr Larimore, for your excellent presentation and personal life experiences. God bless you.
- From LEE CHOO CHIN: Thank you Dr. Larimore for the inspiring sharing.
- From Luissana Concepcion Cruz: Wonderful!! Thank You So Much for this Webinars. I Need all Books.
- From Dr.Mapane Mathibela: wow! Thank you so much.
- From Tongman Shadrach: An amazing Session. God bless you Sir🙏🏻🙏🏻👏
- From Peter Kiehlmann: Wonderful encouragement with many useful resources! Thanks very much.
- From Andrew Gamal: thanks so much for this session. May God bless all of you.
- From Puseletso Ntsutle: This is so wonderful i wish that many professionals healthcare workers can hear this.
- From Tongman Shadrach: Wow, this is great.
- From Nijs Stam: Wonderful to hear how people finding themselves confronted by their finality and vulnerability give up their resistance to God’s grace.
For your interest, health professional from the following 70 countries registered for the webinar:
Afghanistan | India | Peru |
Argentina | Indonesia | Philippines |
Australia | Israel | Portugal |
Benin | Kazakhstan | Romania |
Brazil | Kenya | Russia |
Burkina Faso | Korea, Republic of | Rwanda |
Burundi | Kuwait | Singapore |
Cameroon | Lebanon | Solomon Islands |
Canada | Lesotho | South Africa |
China | Liberia | South Sudan |
Congo, DR | Madagascar | Spain |
Dominican Republic | Malawi | Switzerland |
Ecuador | Malaysia | Taiwan |
Egypt | Moldova, Republic of | Tanzania |
Eswatini | Myanmar | Timor-Leste |
Ethiopia | Nepal | Togo |
Fiji | Netherlands | Trinidad and Tobago |
France | New Zealand | Uganda |
French Guiana | Nigeria | United Kingdom |
Germany | North Macedonia | United States |
Ghana | Norway | Yemen |
Greece | Pakistan | Zambia |
Guinea | Papua New Guinea | |
Hong Kong SAR | Paraguay |
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