“At First Light” declared “the perfect labor induction agent”

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“At First Light” declared “the perfect labor induction agent”

Long-time readers know that for the last 15 years I’ve served as a Visiting Professor at the In His Image Family Medicine Residency Program in Tulsa. One of the residents I had the privilege to work with is now in practice in Texas and wrote to tell me that my newest book, At First Light: A True World War II Story of a Hero, His Bravery, and an Amazing Horse, is “the perfect labor induction agent.”

Kelli (Knight) Windsor, DO, practices family medicine in the small town of Breckenridge, TX. She and her husband, Chris, had two boys, Caleb and Cason, and she was pregnant with #3. Let me let Kelli pick up the story:

Here I was at the hospital waiting to see my maternity care physician:

This was just over two hours later:

Introducing Ky David Windsor:

You may want to promote your book as a good labor induction agent!!! 😆

Not many authors have a recommendation like that, eh!?!?

So, here’s the rest of the story:

In case you want to know the rest of my labor/delivery story … Monday morning, May 2nd, I noticed that I was having some stronger contractions that seemed more intense than my usual Braxton-Hicks, but they were very irregular and widely spaced apart. That was the first day of maternity leave for me, but I went to the office about 8:00 AM anyway to follow-up on some results from tests I had ordered on Friday and to see one patient—a friend from church with an acute issue.

I left the office around 9:00 AM in anticipation of heading to Abilene soon with my husband to go to a routine 38 week prenatal appointment. It is about an hour drive to Abilene. I decided I better put my “go bag” in the car just in case the contractions turned into an actual labor pattern. I told Chris (my husband) to pack a bag, too, and arranged for our other two boys to be picked up from school by a grandmother.

Chris and I arrived in Abilene around 11:00, ran a couple errands, and then went to eat lunch. Chris wanted to go to one more store. I was concerned that if I went with him, I would be late for my appointment, so I had him drop me off at the hospital near where my appointment would be. I sat in a courtyard area for about an hour reading At First Light. I continued to have occasional contractions spaced on average about 20 minutes apart.
My appointment was scheduled for 1:30, but it was around 2:15 when I saw my obstetrician. I informed her that I was having some contractions that felt like the onset of labor but that they were still widely spaced—the shortest interval at that point had been 8 minutes apart while in her waiting room. She then checked my cervix, and we were both surprised to find that my cervix was 8 cm dilated and fully effaced!
So, I walked right over to the Labor and Delivery unit and was checked into a room there. Around 3:00 PM, my doctor re-appeared, checked my cervix again, and broke my water. I then started having very frequent, strong contractions, and Ky David Windsor was born at 3:34 PM after three intense pushes.
Ky has been a real “go getter.” He had already tee-teed (on me and a nurse!), dirtied two diapers, nursed twice, and burped before we even left the delivery room. We quickly knew that all his bodily functions were working well, and we praise God for good health!
I am very thankful I was already in Abilene and didn’t end up having the baby in the car on the way there as quickly as my labor progressed! God was watching out for us and prompted Ky to come and see his “first light” with perfect timing.

Now you know the rest of the story! 😉

Kelli, thanks for giving me permission to share this wonderful, heartwarming story. I’ll be looking forward to seeing if others find “At First Light” as successful of a “labor induction agent.”

And, congrats and blessings to you and Chris for little boy #3. Blessings on the journey.

Oh, and back to the book, Kelli just wrote:

II have had some interruptions in finishing At First Light after having Ky, but I’m at the “Crossing the Rhine” chapter in the book now. The soldiers endured so much for the cause of freedom. I can’t even imagine. I am so grateful for your dad’s service. I hope many people will read At First Light and remember to honor and appreciate our veterans.

From your pen to God’s ears, Dr. Windsor. 🙂

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