Vaccination appears to lower risk of long COVID

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Vaccination appears to lower risk of long COVID

A study conducted in Israel found that people vaccinated against COVID-19 were 50 percent to 80 percent less likely to experience seven of the 10 most frequent symptoms of the condition known as Long COVID.

Unfortunately, the only sure way to avoid Long COVID is not to catch the virus in the first place. But this study joins a growing body of research that’s offering at least some reassurance for those who do end up getting infected — being fully vaccinated seems to substantially cut the risk of later developing the persistent symptoms that characterize Long COVID.

Indeed, some people who had been vaccinated against COVID still have breakthrough COVID infections and some can then develop Long COVID from the breakthrough infection. But the risk appears to be significantly less.

While many of the findings are still preliminary, the handful of studies that have emerged in the past half-year is telling a relatively consistent story. “It may not eradicate the symptoms of Long COVID, but the protective effect seems to be very strong,” says epidemiology professor Michael Edelstein, of Bar-Ilan University in Israel, who’s studying Long COVID.

The study is one of several included in an analysis on vaccination and long COVID conducted by the UK Health Security Agency, which also found lower rates of Long COVID among vaccinated people.

Read more here.

This blog was accurate as of the day of posting. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly evolves and the scientific community’s understanding of the novel coronavirus and the COVID vaccine develops, the information above may have changed since it was last updated. While I aim to keep all of my blogs on COVID and the COVID vaccine up to date, please visit online resources provided by the CDC, WHO, and your local public health department to stay informed on the latest news.

© Copyright WLL, INC. 2022. This blog provides a wide variety of general health information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from your regular physician. If you are concerned about your health, take what you learn from this blog and meet with your personal doctor to discuss your concerns.


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