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March 20, 2022The WWII book about my father and his exploits, “At First Light: A True World War II Story of a Hero, His Bravery, and an Amazing Horse,” is at the printer. The book will be released on April 19 but is gathering more and more amazing endorsements.
You Can View or PreOrder the Book Here
I’m so blessed to have nearly 40 amazing endorsements for “At First Light.” Here are a few more of the favorites that I hope will pique your interest:
“Call my agent! At First Light needs to be greenlighted for a multi-episodic film series today. I loved reading about Philip Larimore’s personal journey before, during and after World War II. While being a compelling and enjoyable story, the book doesn’t hold back on the gruesome realities of war and left me grateful for the young soldiers who sacrificed their lives for our freedom.”
—Gerry Gacek, singer/songwriter and screenwriter
“Fortitude and sacrifice—that’s the story of Phil Larimore. His son, Walt Larimore, has put together a leadership narrative played out by the youngest Army officer in World War II. All Americans need to read this book so they can understand that ‘freedom is not free’ and was won on countless battlefields throughout our history. At First Light will instill in you a commitment to continue the battle by honoring the sacrifices of this great soldier.”
—Lt. General Bruce Fister, U.S. Air Force (Ret.) three-star general, and author of Growing and Building: Faith, Prayer, and Leadership
“As an individual who has committed his life to the training and education of our next generation, At First Light was a powerful and meaningful reminder of the service and sacrifice that have been made by so few, to enable the freedoms we all enjoy today in this great nation. While reading the pages, I reflected on Phil Larimore’s courage in the face of intense combat and was humbled by his willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice.”
—Mark D. Bieger, Vice President of Strategy, Louisiana State University
“Every generation of warriors stands on the shoulders of those who came before them. Reading about Phil Larimore fills you with an unspeakable sense of admiration for this member of the greatest generation. At First Light is much more than a story of combat; it’s a story of a young man who achieves greatness in unexpected ways.”
—Col. Lee Van Arsdale, U.S. Army (Ret.), former Special Forces Delta Squadron Commander who led the “Black Hawk Down” battle of Mogadishu, Somalia in 1993
More amazing endorsements are posted here. I hope you’ll preorder a copy for yourself and encourage any other WWII fans you know to do the same!
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