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Researchers find industrial plastics in majority of fast food items

The Washington Post reports, “A new study reports that far too often, small amounts of industrial chemicals called phthalates . . . have been found in samples of food from popular outlets including McDonald’s, Pizza Hut and Chipotle.” These chemicals “are linked to health problems, including disruption to the endocrine system, and fertility and reproductive problems, as well as increased risk for learning, attention, and behavioral disorders in children.”

Researchers “purchased 64 fast-food items from” national fast-food chains, and their study “found harmful chemicals in a majority of samples collected.”

Unfortunately, the FDA, “which regulates the safety of food, has no legal thresholds limiting phthalate concentrations in food.”

Just another reason to either avoid fast, ultra-processed foods altogether or strictly limit your and your family’s intake of them.

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