What doctors wish their patients knew about cutting down on screen

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What doctors wish their patients knew about cutting down on screen

According to a report from the AMA, while the COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for everyone, digital tools have allowed people to work remotely, participate in school from home and maintain personal connections virtually. But is increased screen time dangerous for our kids?

It is understandable that people are on their devices more now than ever before to remain connected. But, according to the AMA,

  • “spending too much time on screens can have negative health effects.
  • That is why it is important to take proactive steps to cut down on screen time.
  • According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children between 8 and 12 years old spend about four to six hours a day watching or using screens.
  • For teens, the amount of screen time jumps to up to nine hours a day.
  • And while screens can entertain, teach, and keep people occupied . . .
  • too much time with TV or social media is a growing concern.”

AMA policy encourages primary and secondary schools to incorporate into their health class curricula the topic of balancing screen time with physical activity and sleep.

The AMA also encourages primary care physicians to assess children and educate parents about the amount of screen time, physical activity, and sleep habits.

More details are available at DrWalt.com.

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