If you have high blood pressure, you should monitor your BP at home

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If you have high blood pressure, you should monitor your BP at home

If you are over 50 and you have high blood pressure or a health condition for which blood pressure control is essential, at-home blood pressure checks can avert medical emergencies. “For people with these chronic health conditions, having uncontrolled high blood pressure can substantially increase the risk of death, stroke, heart attack, diabetes complications and kidney failure. That’s why national guidelines call for them to check their blood pressures regularly,” Dr. Deborah Levine, a blood-pressure researcher at the University of Michigan, said in a report from HealthDay.

HealthDay reports the details: “The National Poll on Healthy Aging from the University of Michigan Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation surveyed more than 2,000 adults aged 50 to 80,” revealing that “60 percent said they were either taking medication to control their blood pressure or had a chronic health condition that requires blood pressure control, such as a history of stroke, heart disease, heart failure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease.”

However, “fewer than half of survey respondents with both a blood pressure-related health condition and a home blood pressure monitor said they checked their blood pressure at least once a week, and 19 percent said they never used their monitor.”

The bottom line is that home blood pressure monitors are inexpensive, easy to use, and a potential lifesaver. If you have blood pressure or heart problems, get a home monitor, learn how to use it, and take your blood pressure regularly.

Click here (PDF) to read the full report.

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