What’s the right amount of sleep?

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What’s the right amount of sleep?

Sleep duration is tied to early Alzheimer’s disease according to a recent large analysis by Stanford University researchers. The study involved 4,417 with normal cognitive scores at the start of the study. Past research had shown an increased risk of Alzheimer’s in what is called short sleepers, or people who sleep less than 7 hours a night on average.

This study was the first to examine short, average, and long sleepers, the latter being those sleeping more than 9 hours a night.

To the surprise of the researchers, both short and long sleepers reported worse cognitive function than people who slept 7 to 8 hours a night.

They also were more likely to be obese and have depressive symptoms.

If your sleep is not restful or is too short or too long, your doctor may be able to help.

The bottom line is that restful sleep for 7 to 8 hours a night makes for a healthier brain and a healthier you.

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