Eat one hot dog and your life could be 36 minutes shorter

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Eat one hot dog and your life could be 36 minutes shorter

Researchers at the University of Michigan evaluated more than 5,800 foods and their impact on human health and the environment. Among their surprising discoveries was that eating a single hot dog could cost you thirty-six minutes of your life. By contrast, eating a serving of nuts could add twenty-six minutes to your lifespan. And, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is associated with an increase of 33 minutes.

Sugary drinks, burgers, and breakfast sandwiches were also linked with the most minutes of healthy life lost, whereas fruits, vegetables, cereals, and cooked grains were associated with the largest gains.

The researchers classified foods by environmental impact and found the healthy environmentally sustainable foods included nuts, fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and some seafood, whereas foods with poor environmental impacts included beef, processed meat, pork and lamb, and cheese-based foods.

In contrast, most poultry, dairy, egg-based foods, and cooked grains fell into an intermediate zone.

It turns out, eating healthy food is good for your body, your family, and the environment.

The study was published in the journal Nature Food.

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