Nordic Diet Lengthens Survival with Improved Mental and Physical Function

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Nordic Diet Lengthens Survival with Improved Mental and Physical Function

Adults with higher adherence to a Nordic diet (also known as NDDP, the Nordic Prudent Diet Pattern) had greater odds of prolonging survival with optimal physical and mental function.

Medical Dialogues reported that the Nordic Diet, which includes frequent consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and water, resulted in people not only living longer but with reduced risk of dementia and an increased likelihood of optimal physical functioning.

Add to the diet a “favorable lifestyle,” and the benefits increased for almost another four years, at least when compared with older adults with lower adherence to the diet and favorable lifestyle.

The favorable (vs unfavorable) lifestyle profile was determined based on smoking status, social network. and physical activity.

The study, published in the journal Clinical Nutrition, was based on data from 2,290 adults ages 60 or above in Sweden who had no dementia or disability at baseline.

According to HealthLine, “The Nordic diet is quite similar to the well-known Mediterranean diet. Both include plenty of freshwater fish, root veggies, fruit, and whole grains — such as oats and barley — and limit the consumption of red meat, dairy, sugars, and processed foods.”
The main difference is in oily fats. While the Mediterranean diet suggests olive oil, the Nordic diet opts for rapeseed oil, which is better known to Americans as canola oil. Both oils promote a healthy heart by boosting healthy cholesterol (HDL) and trimming away lethal cholesterol (LDL).
“Both are plant-based oils with high amounts of omega-3. Since canola oil has less saturated fat than olive oil, it is considered healthier, however, both have a different recommended use in the kitchen,” Dr. Nancy P. Rahnama, a bariatric physician based in Los Angeles, told Healthline.
For example, olive oil, which is higher in antioxidants, is more flavorful and is typically used for salads and toppings whereas canola oil can withstand more heat, so can be used when cooking and baking at higher temperatures.

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