Monthly Family Update – August 2021

Do you believe in the Son of Man?
August 1, 2021
A New Episode of “Ask Dr. Walt” — Loneliness Can Kill!
August 1, 2021
Do you believe in the Son of Man?
August 1, 2021
A New Episode of “Ask Dr. Walt” — Loneliness Can Kill!
August 1, 2021
Show all

Monthly Family Update – August 2021

Here are the contents of this month’s newsletter:

  1. Two New Episodes of “Ask Dr. Walt” Available at Liftable TV
  2. “Ask Dr. Walt” in Today’s Christian Living
  3. More Endorsements for my WWII Book
  4. Answers to last month’s prayers
  5. Prayer requests for this month
  6. Past Issues

1) Two New TV Episodes of “Ask Dr. Walt” Available at Liftable TV

My new TV show, “Ask Dr. Walt,” which launched on May 1 on a new streaming platform, LiftableTV, can be found here. You can see the show trailer here. Here are the next two shows that have been posted and are available for viewing:

    • Your mental, physical, and spiritual health may be suffering if your relationship health is out of whack.
  • LONELINESS CAN KILL | EP. 11 (26m)
    • In this episode, Dr. Walt highlights that we were made for relationships as he continues his discussion from last week about the essentials of becoming highly healthy.

You can sign up for a free trial subscription to the network here. Just click on the “Start Watching for Free” button.

2) More Endorsements for my WWII Book, At First Light

It’s not scheduled for release until April 2022, but At First Light, my book about my dad and his amazing exploits on the “forgotten” Southern Front in Europe during WWII, continues to receive very encouraging “advanced praise” from reviewers. Here are a few more of the most recent endorsements:

At First Light is one of the most fascinating stories of World War II I have ever read. If you love history like I do, this book is a must read. Near the end of the war, a courageous young US Army officer, Phil Larimore, is given an almost impossible clandestine mission—to find Hitler’s hidden Lipizzaners so they can be saved. Don’t miss this heartwarming true story of a great American hero.”

—Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, U.S. Army (Ret.) three-star general, Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence under President George W. Bush and former commander Delta Force and U.S. Army Special Operations Command

“As the son and nephew of several World War II veterans, I never grow tired of reading about their heroics. The story of Phil Larimore is the most compelling and riveting of them all. At a time when we need real heroes more than ever, this story should inspire, bless, and encourage every American.”

—Cal Thomas, nationally syndicated columnist

“The children of America’s wounded warriors share a special bond. We know firsthand what that red stripe in Old Glory means and respect every bloodstained story of valor behind it. Whether or not you come from a patriotic home, Dr. Walt Larimore’s masterful and moving account of his father’s sacrifice in World War II will make you proud to be an American.”

—Tara McClary Reeves, daughter of Vietnam War hero Clebe McClary and author of Is Your Dad a Pirate?

“A great story about a great soldier and leader. Phil Larimore was a Dick Winters from the Band of Brothers-type of frontline, small-unit combat leader, the kind who make all the difference as to who wins or loses and who lives or dies in war. The storyline with the horses and the twists and turns of his love life and military career adds to the compelling narrative. At First Light has the makings of a great movie or Ken Burns miniseries. My bet is that Phil’s son and the book author, Dr. Walt Larimore, will be besieged by offers.”

—Col. Alexander P. Shine, U.S. Army, Infantry (Ret.), Masters in U.S. History from Harvard, Professor of Military Science and National Security Strategy at the Army War College

3) Answers to Last Month’s Prayers

  • June 29 – July 6, Barb’s sister, Sue, was visiting with us from Baton Rouge. We had a delightful time together.
  • July 4, we celebrated the holiday with a BBQ for Sue, daughter Kate and her hubby, Charles, and friends at our home. What a fun day full of laughter and excellent fellowship.
  • July 9 – 13, Barb and I had a delightful visit with dear friends in Ouray, Colorado. We had several marvelous days of resting, hiking, and wild-flower viewing in the high Rockies.
  • July 15 – 26, Barb enjoyed travel to Baton Rouge and then Shreveport to visit with family and dear friends. I’ll be at home working on several writing projects and realizing how much I love that lady!
  • July 16, the production crew from LiftableTV was at our home for an all-day videotaping session of another four shows for my “Ask Dr. Walt” TV shows. You can learn more about LiftableTV and sign up to see it here.

4) Prayer Requests for Upcoming Events

  • August 7, Barb and I will again be directing our church’s marriage ministry called ReEngage. On this Saturday we’ll be training five leader couples.
  • August 11 is our ReEngage Kick-Off. The first of 18 straight weeks that these 20-25 couples will invest in their marriage.
  • August 13, the production crew from LiftableTV will be at our home for another all-day videotaping session of another four shows for my “Ask Dr. Walt” TV shows. You can learn more about LiftableTV and sign up to see it here.
  • August 19, Barb and I will be featured on the Focus on the Family broadcast discussing our best-selling book, His Brain, Her Brain: How divinely designed differences can strengthen your marriage.

5) Past Issues of our family newsletter

July 2021

  • Four New TV Episodes of “Ask Dr. Walt” Available
  • “Ask Dr. Walt” in Today’s Christian Living
  • More Endorsements for my WWII Book
  • First Draft of the Cover for At First Light

June 2021

  • My and Barb’s Most Difficult Interview Ever
  • “Ask Dr. Walt” on LiftableTV has a surprise early launch
  • The Natural Medicines Handbook media interviews
  • “Ask Dr. Walt” in May’s Today’s Christian Living
  • Ebook sale: $0.99 for Lintball Leo: Not-So-Stupid Questions About Your Body

May 2021

  • The Natural Medicines Handbook was released April 6
  • The Natural Medicines Handbook soars to #1 on in two categories
  • Janet Parshall’s National Radio Program
  • Coming this fall – “Ask Dr. Walt” on Liftable TV
  • COVID Vaccines addressed in my “Ask Dr. Walt” column in Today’s Christian Living

© Copyright WLL, INC. 2021. This blog provides a wide variety of general health information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from your regular physician. If you are concerned about your health, take what you learn from this blog and meet with your personal doctor to discuss your concerns.

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