The most popular devotions of this last year

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The most popular devotions of this last year

Here’s a listing of the 25 most popular devotions on “Morning Glory, Evening Grace” this last year (determined by the number who read each blog) …

By the way, if you’ve enjoyed “Morning Glory, Evening Grace,” I hope you’ll spread the word about it to your family, friends, and faith-community. And, I pray each of you will have a Christ-filled, family-centered, warm-memory-overflowing, and Blessed New Year.

So, here are the favorite devotions of the year …

1) What has happened to all your joy?
2) A heart at peace gives life to the body
3) He took up our pain and bore our suffering
4) The Lord, my strength
5) I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven
6) Blessed are all who take refuge in him
7) I tell you, do not worry
8) We should no longer be slaves to sin
9) It is by faith you stand firm
10) The joy of the Lord is your strength
11) You will know that I, the Lord your God, dwell in Zion
12) With the Lord at my right hand I will not be shaken
13) God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever
14) Live a life worthy of the calling you have received
15) Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God
16) Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid
17) Be kind and compassionate to one another
18) All the holy ones are in your hand
19) The woman conceived and sent word saying “I am pregnant”
20) A heart at peace gives life to the body
21) First seek the counsel of the Lord
22) One whose heart is corrupt does not prosper
23) Who is the Almighty, that we should serve him?
24) You … have stood by me in my trials
25) I will give you a new heart


  1. Larry gee says:

    Thanks Walt for putting these great devotions in the word together. I definitely have enjoyed them and shared with others. I like this list of top 32 (not just12)devotion s and hope read or reread all of them as I start 2015. How do you determine most popular? Blessings

    • Dr. Walt says:


      Thanks for the kind words. They are an encouragement, blessing, and affirmation.

      The order of the top blogs simply reflects the number of readers of each. So, the #1 blog was the one that was read by the most readers. It’s sort of a “People’s Choice Award,” if you would.

      Have a blessed New Year.


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