How to thrive during the storms of life

Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction …
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Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction …
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How to thrive during the storms of life

Several years ago, I was honored to be asked to preach at the Little Log Church in Palmer Lake, CO, on the topic of “The Palm Tree Christian: How to thrive during the storms of life.” If you’d like to hear the message, it should be posted here.

I began with Psalm 92:12-13 (The righteous will flourish like a palm tree … planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God.) and then reviewed the ‘wisdom’ of the divine designed of the common palm tree. I’m praying that each listener, young and old, will be able to apply these timeless principles to their lives.

During the sermon, I tried to answer some of these questions:

  1. How do you survive a drought in your life?
  2. Why will you survive best in a good grove?
  3. How can you withstand the major storms of life?

I’d be interested in your thoughts and feedback. And, I pray you and yours had a Christ-filled, family-centered, warm-memory-overflowing, and pray that yours is a Blessed New Year.


  1. Elizabeth Johnson says:

    I wish I could have been there. I know it was wonderful.

    • admin says:

      You can listen to the sermon by downloading it, for free, from the church Web site, here.

      Hope it’s a blessing.


      • Don Schuessler says:

        Hi Walt,

        This message (or a similar one shared at a Focus on the Family physician’s conference 10-15 years ago) came to mind for me as I’ve been asked to preach at our church in a couple weeks, and I’ve sensed God’s call to me to speak on resilience and its central place in growing in Christ. The message is no longer available by clicking as you suggested above. Any way to receive it now for me in preparation for my message.

        Thanks for all you’ve done and are doing for our Jesus. I’m a pediatrician in a small, economically challenged area in way upstate New York (kind of Appalachia North!) and your example of faithfulness has been an encouragement to me. Keep sluggin’!

        Don Schuessler

        • Hello Don,

          I checked with Little Log Church and they are currently reorganizing the audio files of the past sermons. So the recording of mine is not available at the present. When I find out that it is posted (assuming that it will be), I’ll let you know. However, I’ll be glad to email you an outline of my sermon notes here in a minute. Blessings on the presentation.


  2. Larry Gee says:

    This is great message. I hope more people get to listen to this. I plan to share with others this link to your message. Thanks for being so open about the challenges your family has gone through. Great to hear about your daughters award. Blessings.

    • admin says:

      Thanks, Larry. I do hope the message will be an encouragement and blessing to all those you share it with.


  3. Bill Bevins says:

    Dear Walt, Thank you for the openness and transparency you shared in this testimony of your and Barb and Kate’s walk with our Saviour. Thank you all for choosing to be as palm trees, living in Father’s love and forgiveness and rebounding, in His grace, from the storms of life.
    Be blessed, Bill

  4. Terri Upp Manning says:

    I was doubly blessed as this was the second time I’ve listened to this incredible lesson – I picked up new inspiration and renewed my commitment to practice what you preached. God’s voice was clearly heard through your message. Thank you for being brutally honest about your storms and droughts. When Diane was murdered, I stood outside Daddy’s home and screamed to the heavens. The anger and resentment we felt after losing one of Christ’s brightest lights could have consumed us. I still today marvel at the spiritual nudges I know could have only been the Holy Spirit pushing and lifting me beyond and above what could have destroyed my family. It does my heart so much good to see, once again, that God’s loving grace is always sufficient for his children. As Mark retires in another week, we’re finally going to be living in the same state, the same house (WIO HOO!), and are planning to find a new home church, where we can once again work toget her to become more like palm trees. I hate we’re separated by so many miles, but am forever grateful God led me to you on FB years ago, opening a door for us to reconnect after so many years. I still treasure the delicious soup Barb lovingly prepared for us, and the fellowship you both shared with Mark and I. Praying God will richly bless you and yours in 2019!

    • Dr. Walt says:


      I think you’re ready to write or preach about your journey. You have much to share.

      Thanks for your kind words and feedback. They and your friendship are all precious gifts.


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