Does finger length predict a private part’s length in men?

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Does finger length predict a private part’s length in men?

Forgive me, but I just couldn’t resist posting this. For it turns out, the relative length of a man’s index and ring fingers might be a good predictor of the length of his penis, according to a recent study from South Korean researchers.
The researchers found that the ratio between the second and fourth digits on a man’s right hand seemed to correlate to the length of his flaccid and stretched penis, with a lower index-to-ring finger length ratio indicating a longer penis.
The key to this relationship may lie in the womb, the team added.
Here are some more details from HealthDay News:
“During the fetal period, high concentrations of testosterone lead to high testicular activity, resulting in a lower digit ratio,” explained a team led by In Ho Choi of Gacheon University Gil Hospital in Incheon. “In the present study, patients with a lower digit ratio tended to have a longer stretched penile length.”
They added that the length of the stretched and flaccid penis does show “a strong correlation” with an erect penile length.
The study was published in the Asian Journal of Andrology.
In a journal commentary, Denise Brooks McQuade of Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, N.Y., said the study results “provide convincing support for a relationship between digit ratio and penile length.” She added that the findings might have real value for research into clinical conditions linked to developmental issues in men.
However, the findings have almost NOTHING to do anything, particularly with manhood, fathering children, or sexual satisfaction for the man or woman.
Here’s what I wrote for my book, Guy Talk: A physician answers questions about your body, a book for boys going through puberty that is scheduled to be released by ZonderKidz during the spring of 2012:

As you progress through puberty, your penis will grow and you’ll notice a bunch of other changes—such as the development of pubic hair and the growth of your testicles. You’ll also grow stronger and larger muscles, get taller and heavier, and have your voice change. The size of your penis is in no way related to your masculinity or ability to father a child.
Even though it has no significance, I still have young male patients ask, “Doc, what’s the average penis length?” It’s a fair question.
Researchers have found (yes, they do study these things) that a non-erect penis varies from 8.5cm to 10.5cm (3-4 inches) from tip to base. The average is about 9.5cm (3.75 inches).
But as I explain to my patients, this kind of measurement isn’t really helpful. Many factors can cause a temporary shrinkage of two inches or more—most notably exposure to cold weather or cold water.
Many boys believe the larger or taller the man, the larger the penis. However, this is not true. In one research study, the largest penis was measured on a slim man who was only five-feet-seven-inches tall. The smallest penis in this research study belonged to a taller and much heavier man.
Also, in every study every published there is no correlation between penile size and race.
Later in the book (Question 22), we’ll talk more about penile erections. While we’re concentrating on the size of penises, many young men are curious about how long a penis is when it’s erect.
Studies show that the vast majority of men have erect penises measuring between 15 cm and 18 cm (6-7 inches) long. And the average is about 16.5 cm (6.5 inches).
There are no special exercises, supplements, or diets that will speed up the development process. Also, don’t forget that there’s a natural optical illusion. When you look at your feet, they look smaller than they really are. In the same way, your penis may look smaller to you than it really is.
If you’re concerned about your penis size, don’t try to compare yourself to your older brother or your best friend—they are simply at a different stage of development than you. The important thing to remember is that it’s okay not to be exactly like your friends. Why? Because God made you to be unique.
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. (Psalm 139:13-14, NLT)


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