Larimore Family Newsletter – July 2011

The top-ranked diet may be one you’ve never heard of — but one I recommend often
June 30, 2011
How to find the right doctor
July 1, 2011
The top-ranked diet may be one you’ve never heard of — but one I recommend often
June 30, 2011
How to find the right doctor
July 1, 2011
Show all

Larimore Family Newsletter – July 2011

Here are the contents of this month’s Family Newsletter:

  • Family Update
  • Broadcasting News
  • 1) Gameplan for Life with Coach Joe Gibbs video features Dr. Walt
  • 2) Radio Interview on 10 Essentials of Happy, Healthy People
  • 3) TV Interview in Nebraska
  • 4) Internet TV Interview with Walt and Barb on His Brain, Her Brain
  • 5) Broadcast with Walt and Barb about Miscarriage (kept over from last month)
  • Publication Update
  • 1) Guy Talk Promotion Begins
  • 2) Dr. Walt’s article on childhood obesity in Parent Guide News
  • 3) Dr. Walt Mentioned in birth control pill article in a newspaper in the Philippines
  • 4) Health Economist article about the RUC mentions Dr. Walt
  • Events of the last month
  • Upcoming Events

Family Update
Broadcasting News
1) Gameplan for Life with Coach Joe Gibbs
Long-time readers know that I was privileged to be asked by Coach Joe Gibbs to write the health chapter in what would become his best-selling book, Gameplan for Life: Your Personal Playbook for Success, and his Gameplan Website.

Joe is getting ready to release (on July 1st) the second small group DVD study based upon the book and this study features yours truly. You can view a preview of my segment here.

This weekend Joe is releasing his second small group DVD study based upon the book and this study features yours truly. You can view a preview of my segment here.
Here are a series of other promo videos you might enjoy:

  • Promo 1: Check out this video by Joe Gibbs. For men who want to get off the sidelines and into the game!
  • Promo 2: Check out this video. Joe Gibbs and Derwin Gray reveal a BIG racing announcement!
  • Promo 3: Check out this video. Derwin Gray shares a story about Joe Gibbs and fatherly wisdom.
  • Promo 4: Check out this video. Derwin Gray “wins” Joe Gibbs’ Super Bowl rings!

Also, here are a series of Preview Videos with me and my co-authors. These videos show short clips of the experts featured in this small group study:

  • Tony Evans: Purpose. Check out this video. Tony Evans talks about purpose in your life. For men only!
  • Walt Larimore: Health. Check out this video. Dr. Walt Larimore talks about health. For men only!
  • Randy Alcorn: Heaven. Check out this video. Randy Alcorn talks about sports in heaven. For men only!
  • Don Meredith: Relationships. Check out this video. Don Meredith talks about relationships. For men only!
  • Os Guinness: Vocation. Check out this video. Os Guinness talks about your job. For men only!

2) Radio Interview on 10 Essentials of Happy, Healthy People
In this 30 minute show, I was interviewed about my book, “10 Essentials of Happy, Healthy People: Becoming and staying highly healthy,” by holistic pharmacist Dr. Cathy Rosenbaum.

You can listen to the program here. You can also obtain a signed copy of the book here and download a free small-group study guide here.
3) TV Interview in Nebraska
I had the privilege to make a number of presentations about childhood obesity to parents and healthcare professionals in Nebraska earlier this month. It was a “barnstorming” tour, as I spoke in North Platte, Lexington, Holdrege, Kearney, and Lincoln (7 talks in 3 days). Whew!
If you want to see a brief TV interview about my talk in North Platte, check it out here.
4) Internet TV Interview on His Brain, Her Brain
Barb and I were interviewed on the Internet TV show, Your Family Live, about our book, His Brain, Her Brain: How divinely designed differences can strengthen your marriage.
You can watch the archived show here. The theme of the show was “His Brain vs. Her Brain: Overcoming Differences in Marriage.”
We were interviewed by our friends Yvette Maher and Juli Slattery. Here’s the information on the show, from the show website:

Sometimes your spouse’s behavior leaves you baffled. It’s no secret God wired men and women differently but oftentimes these differences divide couples and drive marriages apart.

Join Your Family Live as Dr. Walt and Barb Larimore open your eyes to the mysteries of your other half. Learn how to turn these differences into strengths by improving your communication and understand your spouses’ unique emotional needs.

You can get a signed copy of His Brain, Her Brain: How divinely designed differences can strengthen your marriage here.

5) Broadcast about Miscarriage (kept over from last month)
Have you or a woman you love suffered a miscarriage?
Barb and I had the privilege of discussing our difficult journey through four miscarriages with Dr. James Dobson on his nationally-syndicated radio program, Family Talk, on Monday, May 9 and Tuesday May 10.
We were on with Dr. Dobson and another couple who have also walked this difficult road.
We were praying many would be impacted by our testimony. This is just one of the notes we received about the programs.

I listened to Dr Dobson’s program yesterday and I was so moved by your wife’s testimony and candid description of her emotions and strength that only God was able to give her during trying times.
Thank you for sharing and giving hope to many that experienced the pain of losing a baby.
Many blessings to both of you and I am so grateful the Lord gave me the opportunity to meet you and watch your kind and humble way of life.

If you listen to one or both programs, we’d love to hear your feedback about them:

Publishing Update
1) Guy Talk
ZonderKidz has begun to promote my book for young boys as they journey into and through adolescence.
The book, Guy Talk: Not-So-Stupid Questions About Your Body, is “coming March 2012.” You can read more about it here.

2) Article in Parent Guide News
I had an article, Super Sized Kids: Keeping our kids from heading down Overweight Boulevard, published in Parent Guide News. You can find the article here.
Also, in the article you can find my tongue-in-cheek section on “20 Habits That Can Super Size Your Kids.”
By the way, while supplies last, signed hard cover copies of my book, SuperSized Kids: How to protect your child from the obesity threat are available here.

3) Mentioned in the Phillipines
An article in the Philippine Daily Inquirer had this to say about me in an article on the abortifacient effect of the birth control pill:

… silent abortions caused by the use of the pill amount to deliberate killings of innocent lives. Dr. Walter Larimore, who for decades prescribed the pill, tried to disprove the claim that the pill is abortifacient, only to find 94 scientific studies proving that “postfertilization effects are operative to prevent clinically recognized pregnancy.” He published his findings in the scientific journal of the American Medical Association, and from then on stopped prescribing the pill.

It’s not 100% accurate, but it’s not a bad try at getting the facts out there. You can read the entire article here.
In addition, you can read some of my other articles on the birth control pill here:

4) Mentioned in Health Economist article
Those of you who follow my travels and travails have heard me mention my three to four times a year trips to the AMA’s RUC meetings. Now’s your opportunity to learn more about this highly technical group in an article titled, “The Growing Ruckus Over the RUC and Medicare Fees: Little-Known Rate-Setting Physicians’ Panel Draws Sharp Criticism” published in the Leonard Davis Institute’s Health Economist on June 23, 2011. You can find the article here.
Events of the last month

  • June 4-11, Barb traveled to Baton Rouge to visit with family and friends.
  • June 6-9, I traveled to Nebraska to speak for several Health Departments:
  • June 6, I was in North Platte to speak to the public on “SuperSized Kids: How to protect your child from the obesity epidemic.”
  • June 7, I was in in Holdrege, Kearney, and Lexington to speak to the public on “Eat This, Don’t Eat That: Protecting your child from the obesity epidemic.”
  • June 8, I drove over to Lincoln to speak to healthcare and education professionals on “SuperSized Kids: How to protect your child from the obesity epidemic.”
  • June 16, I gave a Grand Rounds at Penrose Hospital in Colorado Springs on “Natural Medicines for the Treatment of Osteoporosis: An evidence-based appraisal.”
  • June 23-26, Barb and I traveled to the Western Hills Resort in eastern Oklahoma for the Summer Retreat of the In His Image Family Medicine Residency Program.
  • June 29, Barb and I were interviewed about our book, His Brain, Her Brain: How divinely designed differences can strengthen your marriage, on the live internet TV show, Your Family Live (details above).
  • June 29, I was interviewed about the medical care of children by Jim Daly and Dr. Juli Slattery for the Focus on the Family’s daily radio program. The show is tentatively scheduled to be aired nationally in late August. I’ll let you know when in next month’s newsletter.

Upcoming Events

Past Issues

You can get more information on many of my upcoming events here


  1. patty purcell says:


    • Our “His Brain, Her Brain” book has been used by engaged couples groups and “nearly wed” groups. They may want to check it out. And, if they get engaged, our “Honeymoon of Your Dreams” book may be up their alley.

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