Regular fasting reduces heart risks

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Regular fasting reduces heart risks

You are likely aware of folks who regularly fast for spiritual reasons. But, did you know that there are significant phyicals benefits to the discipline of regularly fasting?
The New York Times “Well” blog reported that fasting regularly may help reduce heart risks, according to a study presented at the American College of Cardiology conference. Investigators “interviewed 200 patients who were undergoing … angiography.”
Being that approximately “90 percent of the patients were Mormons, a faith that encourages its members to fast for one day a month, the doctors expected to find a relatively high rate of regular fasting among the study participants.”
The investigators “found that people who fasted regularly had a 58 percent lower risk of coronary disease compared with those who said they didn’t fast.”
This is just the most recent of a number of studies showing the physical benefits of fasting. As you might imagine, there are also emotional and spiritual benefits to the discipline of intermittent fasting.
If you’d like to learn more about how to fast, you might find my blog, Medical and Spiritual Considerations for Christian Fasting, helpful.

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