Larimore Family Newsletter – May 2011

Alternative Medicine and Children – Part 3 – Herbs for Children and the Risks
May 4, 2011
The “Purple Pill” (PPIs) could cause serious long-term adverse effects
May 6, 2011
Alternative Medicine and Children – Part 3 – Herbs for Children and the Risks
May 4, 2011
The “Purple Pill” (PPIs) could cause serious long-term adverse effects
May 6, 2011
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Larimore Family Newsletter – May 2011

Here are the contents of our Family Newsletter:

  • Family Update
  • Broadcasting News
  • 1) Interview on Faith Radio
  • Publication Update
  • 1) Lintball Leo keeps helping young boys
  • 2) Nurture Your Hopes and Dreams article published
  • Events of the last month
  • Upcoming Events

Family Update
Last month Barb and I had the privilege of teaching a marriage conference at a local conference center that was hosted by our church, the Little Log Church of Palmer Lake.
The His Brain, Her Brain: How divinely designed differences can strengthen your marriage” Marriage Conference seemed to be well received. We were gratified by the feedback we received and wanted to share one note with you that was written to our pastor:
Joe and I would like to thank the Little Log Church for putting on such a meaningful and informative marriage conference. We have already started putting some of the items discussed into action, and have scheduled time to sit and go through the book, chapter by chapter. (We had to put it on our calendar with all the other activities that go on around here … we plan to meet in quiet time together once a week!)
Walt and Barb’s message and research was impressive. The Declaration of Recommitment was such a wonderful surprise, and a significant experience. All the extra touches such as the pictures, the gift bags, and door prizes were so thoughtful. The meals were fabulous.
We can’t thank you enough! It was so nice to get to know you as a pastor as well as other members of your congregation.
Blessings to you, Pastor Bill, and your entire congregation!
By the way, if you’d like to get a copy of the book (His Brain, Her Brain: How divinely designed differences can strengthen your marriage) signed by both Barb and me, just click here.

Broadcasting News
1) Interview on Faith Radio
I had the privilege to be interviewed by Neil Stavem for his Connecting Faith program on Faith Radio. We discussed a number of topics concerning physical and spiritual health.
If you’d like to listen to the program, check it out here.
Publishing Update
1) Lintball Leo keeps helping young boys
A little book I wrote to help boys as they struggle with adolescense, Lintball Leo’s Not-So-Stupid Questions About Your Body, just keeps rolling along.
The publisher, ZonderKidz, has notified us that it’s heading into it’s 14th printing. We’re grateful that so many boys are being helped by this book’s biblical worldview of their changing bodies.
If you’d like to get a copy for a boy you know, signed by me to your young man, they are on sale for $3.99 (usually $7.99) here.

2) Nurture Your Hopes and Dreams article published
My most recent article in an ongoing series in the Significant Living magazine was just published. It’s titled, “Nurture Your Hopes and Dreams: The Essentials of Discovering Your Destiny.” You can view the article here.
If you like the article, I hope you’ll consider subscribing to the magazine. I always like the articles they publish.
By the way, this series is adapted from my book, “10 Essentials of Happy, Healthy People: Becoming and staying highly healthy.” You can order autographed copies of the book here.
You can also use the book in a small-group or Sunday school study. There’s a free small-group study guide for the book that you can download from here.

Events of the last month

  • Apr 1-2, I had a quick trip two day trip to Boston to speak at the Ivy League Congress of Faith and Action. I had a wonderful time interacting with the students in a seminar on “Bringing Your Faith to Work with You in the Field of Medicine.” While there I was able to catch up and enjoy visits with some dear friends: Jono Quick (and his men’s group), Jenna McLeod, Sig Hoffman and her husband, David. It was a delightful time, bolstered by a quick lunch at Legal Seafood before flying home.
  • Apr 8-9, Barb and I taught a “His Brain, Her Brain: How divinely designed differences can strengthen your marriage” conference in Palmer Lake, Colorado. This event was sponsored by our home church, The Little Log Church of Palmer Lake. You can read our report on the event at the start of this newsletter.
  • Apr 10-20, Barb was in Baton Rouge visiting family and friends.
  • Apr 14-15, I flew to Washington, DC, to meet with technical advisors and members of Congress about a number of physician reimbursement issues.
  • Apr 16, I spoke twice for the Annual Scientific Assembly of the Colorado Academy of Family Physicians in Colorado Springs. The talks seemed well received.
  • Apr 26-30, Barb and I traveled to Chicago, one of our favorite cities in the U.S., where I attended the AMA RUC meeting and Barb exercised her gift of shopping. We had several delightful meals together and enjoyed our time up and down Michigan Avenue. The tulips and daffodils were coming up, which was a delight for us.

Upcoming Events

  • TODAY, May 4th, I turn in the edits on my first solo novel, Hazel Creek, to Howard Books (an imprint of Simon & Schuster). It should be out next spring.
  • May 5, Barb and I will host a table and I will speak at a fund raiser for the Mission Medical Clinic of Colorado Springs.
  • May 6, Barb and I will attend a fund-raiser for the Northern Churches Cares ministry in Colorado Springs.
  • May 7-8, Kate will spend Mother’s Day weekend with us.
  • May 11, Barb and I will attend a Life Network Board Meeting in Colorado Springs.
  • May 16-18, Barb and I will attend the Legacy Gathering of HCJB Global. This gathering brings HCJB missionaries from around the globe to Colorado Springs for fellowship and renewal.
  • May 19-20, Barb and I will attend the International Board meeting of HCJB Global in Colorado Springs.
  • May 22-26, I will fly to Tulsa, OK, to spend time as a visiting professor at the In His Image Family Medicine Residency Program. I’m always blessed being with the faculty and staff there.
  • May 28-30, for the first time in years, we’ll have the entire Memorial Day weekend at home together. We’re looking forward to some gardening together!

Past Issues

You can get more information on many of my upcoming events here.

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