Elimination diet may benefit some young children with ADHD

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Elimination diet may benefit some young children with ADHD

In my book, Why ADHD Doesn’t Mean Disaster (currently on sale for $1.99 here), I discuss the possibility that certain diet changes may help SOME kids with ADHD. At the time, I took some grief for making this statement, which was based upon 25 years experience caring for these special kids (and NOT on a ton of data). However, now a new study is backing my contention.

The CNN “The Chart” blog reported that results from a small study published in The Lancet suggest “there could be a connection between what children eat” and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
When 100 four- to eight-year-old youngsters with AD/HD “were placed on a diet containing no processed foods for five weeks, AD/HD symptoms diminished in 78 percent of them,” HealthDay reported.
“And, when suspected trouble foods were reintroduced into the diet, two-thirds of the children experienced a relapse in symptoms.”
Investigators concluded that “an elimination diet may help some children” with AD/HD.
WebMD reported, “US experts had some caveats, saying that the results of the study … should be repeated in other populations to see if the findings hold up.”
WebMD also noted, “AD/HD affects about 3% to 7% of US school-aged children, according to the American Psychiatric Association, but other sources put the figures higher.”
If you have a child, or know a child with ADHD, consider purchasing a copy of my book, Why ADHD Doesn’t Mean Disaster. I coauthored this book with two parents who not only have ADHD, but raised a child with ADHD. I think it can be a real help for parents. It’s on sale now in a hardback version for $3.99, here, and a softcover version for $1.99, here.

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