Nurse practitioner writes about her decision to stop getting mammograms
November 17, 2010Lactoferrin for Acne. Does It Work?
November 17, 2010TV show contestants on “The Biggest Loser” lose fat while preserving muscle mass, study shows
USA Today reports, “The grueling boot-camp workouts on NBC’s The Biggest Loser help contestants lose large amounts of body fat while preserving their muscle mass, a new study shows.”
The “scientists measured the weight, body composition and resting metabolic rate of the 16 participants at the start of the show, at Week 6 and at Week 30, the finale.”
The findings, presented recently at the meeting of the Obesity Society in San Diego, noted that “overall, the contestants dropped from an average 49% body fat to 27%,” and “after 30 weeks, participants lost an average of 128 pounds; 81% was body fat and 19% was fat-free mass, mostly muscle.”