Contents of our Family Newsletter:
- Holiday Gifts
- Family Update
- Publication Update
- Significant Living articles
- Nice Professional Review for The Influenza Bomb”
- Events of the last month
- Upcoming Events
Larimore Family Newsletter – October 2010
Here are the contents of our Family Newsletter:
Holiday Gifts
Family Update
Publication Update
Significant Living articles
Nice Professional Review for The Influenza Bomb”
Events of the last month
Upcoming Events
Holiday Gifts
It’s not to early to begin thinking about unique holiday gifts, and what could be more exclusive than receiving a best-selling book, autographed by the author, and personalized to the recipient. Most of my books are available for just such gifts. You can order them here. Better yet, some of them are on sale between now and Thanksgiving. Supplies are limited, so be sure to order yours now.
Family Update
As I write to you, Barb, Kate, and I are in Chicago enjoying an absolutely beautiful weekend in the windy city – while, at home, Jack’s keeping a watch over the house as autumn descends upon the Rocky Mountains.
The Aspens will be at their peak when we get home on Sunday, and we’re looking forward to enjoying them.
Publishing Update
Significant Living articles
My newest article in a health series for the Significant Living magazine is out. It’s titled, “Beyond the Blues. Seek help to escape depression,” and can be found in the September/October issue, on pages 10-11. You can see some of the articles in the series by clicking here:
Seek Balance: Manage stress wisely to improve your well-being. Part four in our series on becoming a highly healthy person.
Unburden Yourself: Harboring anger, resentment, or blame? It may be taking a toll on your health. Part three in our ongoing series about the essentials of happy, healthy people.
Take Good Care: Make a few changes to prevent disease and improve your longevity. This is part two in our on-going series about essentials of happy, healthy people.
A Balancing Act: Last issue we started a new series on the 10 essentials of happy, healthy people. But what really defines being healthy?
His Brain, Her Brain: He thinks she talks too much. She says he says too little.You may be surprised to learn the problem is not with their tongues, but with their brains.
Nice Professional Review for “The Influenza Bomb”
The web site, “Influenza Treatment: All About Influenza, recently reviewed the novel:
September 3, 2010 at 1:56 am
Review by R. A. Barricklow for The Influenza Bomb: A Novel (Tsi: Time Scene Investigators)
Rating: 5 stars
I have read many articles/books on both the 1918 pandemic & the new H1N1 Bird Flu Pandemic on the near horizon. There is one coming. Odds are it will be the Bird Flu Variation.
The best non-fiction work on that, for my money is Bird Flu: A Virus of Our Own Hatching by Michael Gregor.
What makes this fictionalized novel so good is it’s intricate tie-in with the past 1918 Spanish Flu virus, which is brought back into being, but this time, it is incorporated with 21st century nanotechnology.
The novel gives an accurate history of the virus, then reimagines it as weaponized, not only in WW1, but again in WW11(?). The time line follows the characters, the organizations, both using and fighting the virus. Thus many facts, What If Scenarios, are brought into play, giving the readers’ imaginations a run for his or her money.
There are many twists & turns as the story intertwines betwen present & past and the narratives of both times lines converge into a climax.
The story relates some advantages of our present time: antiviral medications, antibiotics, intensive care, ventilators, and of course current vaccines/developmental capabilities. The TCI Team, for instance, uses monoclonal antibodies that are specially engineered to attack a specific protein from some of the Siberian flu victims.
Of course, the enemy is working as well. For instance, some are working on experiments designed to develope a nanotechnology that would allow toxic biological infectious particles to be loaded into nanoparticles.
When inhaled, ingested, or injected, the nanoparticles would dissolve, releasing millions of infectious particles into the victim. The nanoparticles would act like a huge army of microscopic Trojan horses.
Thus, the spy vs. spy aspect, not only in technology but in human sources, is what makes this an entertaining an informative read.
I’ve always wondered what if the 1918 Spanish Flu virus wasn’t an accident, but either manufactured, or used as a weapon in WW1?
These authors start there and carry the ball forward into time with great imagination, story telling, and paying attention to the details, not only in history but in their sciences as well.
I turned the last page and wanted more.
Events of the last month
Aug 28 – Sep 7, we enjoyed our family beach vacation in Pensacola. Barb and I had great joy being with our children and grandchildren.
Sep 15, I flew to South Bend, Indiana, and shared a meal with my dear friend, Tom Felger.
Sep 16, I was on the live cable TV show, The Harvest Show, discussing my latest health book, 10 Essentials of Happy, Healthy People: Becoming and staying highly healthy. You can view the interview here. Note that I’m on the last half of the show.
You can also watch the two other times I’ve been on the show:
Thursday, May 22, 2008, Alternative Medicine here.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008, His Brain, Her Brain here.
Sep 16-18, I was blessed to be able to attend the HCJB Global international board meeting at the HCJB Gobal Technology Center in Elkhart, Indiana. It’s an amazing ministry and is doing great work around the world.
Sep 28 – Oct 3, Barb, Kate, and I are in Chicago. Barb and Kate are enjoying a ladies weekend shopping and playing tourist while I’m attending an AMA Meeting (the RUC meeting). However, during my down time, I’ll be enjoying time with them – if they let me!
Upcoming Events
Oct 5 – 8, Barb and I will be in San Antonio visiting with our dear friends, Dr. Fred and Marian Brown, and enjoying the River Walk. On Tuesday evening, I’ll be speaking at the annual CMDA Banquet on the topic of “A Person is A Person, No Matter How Small: My journey into becoming a pro-life physician.” On Wednesday evening, I’ll be speaking at the Christus Santa Rosa Medical Center on the topic of “The Spiritual History.”
Oct 15 – 16, I will be flying solo to Lincoln, Nebraska, and presenting three talks on “His Brain, Her Brain: How Understanding the Differences Can Impact Personal & Professional Relationships” at the Critical Issues in Medicine Seminar at the BryanLGH Medical Center East Medical Center.
Oct 23, Barb and I will be attending the annual Life Network Banquet and Silent Auction in Colorado Springs.
Oct 27 – Nov 2, I’ll be serving as a Visiting Professor at In His Image Family Medicine Residency in Tulsa, OK.
Oct 27 – Nov 2, Barb and Kate will travel to Baton Rouge to visit with family.
Past Issues
September 2010
August 2010
July 2010
You can get more information on many of my upcoming events here.
Holiday Gifts
It’s not to early to begin thinking about unique holiday gifts, and what could be more exclusive than receiving a best-selling book, autographed by the author, and personalized to the recipient. Most of my books are available for just such gifts. You can order them here. Better yet, some of them are on sale between now and Thanksgiving. Supplies are limited, so be sure to order yours now.
Family Update
As I write to you, Barb, Kate, and I are in Chicago enjoying an absolutely beautiful weekend in the windy city – while, at home, Jack’s keeping a watch over the house as autumn descends upon the Rocky Mountains.
The Aspens will be at their peak when we get home on Sunday, and we’re looking forward to enjoying them.
Publishing Update
Significant Living articles
My newest article in a health series for the Significant Living magazine is out. It’s titled, “Beyond the Blues. Seek help to escape depression,” and can be found in the September/October issue, on pages 10-11.
You can see some of my other articles in this series by clicking here.
- Seek Balance: Manage stress wisely to improve your well-being. Part four in our series on becoming a highly healthy person.
- Unburden Yourself: Harboring anger, resentment, or blame? It may be taking a toll on your health. Part three in our ongoing series about the essentials of happy, healthy people.
- Take Good Care: Make a few changes to prevent disease and improve your longevity. This is part two in our on-going series about essentials of happy, healthy people.
- A Balancing Act: Last issue we started a new series on the 10 essentials of happy, healthy people. But what really defines being healthy?
- His Brain, Her Brain: He thinks she talks too much. She says he says too little.You may be surprised to learn the problem is not with their tongues, but with their brains.
Nice Professional Review for “The Influenza Bomb”
The web site, “Influenza Treatment: All About Influenza,” recently reviewed my newest novel here:
September 3, 2010
Review by R. A. Barricklow for The Influenza Bomb: A Novel (Tsi: Time Scene Investigators)
Rating: 5 stars
I have read many articles/books on both the 1918 pandemic & the new H1N1 Bird Flu Pandemic on the near horizon. There is one coming. Odds are it will be the Bird Flu Variation.
The best non-fiction work on that, for my money is Bird Flu: A Virus of Our Own Hatching by Michael Gregor.
What makes this fictionalized novel so good is it’s intricate tie-in with the past 1918 Spanish Flu virus, which is brought back into being, but this time, it is incorporated with 21st century nanotechnology.
The novel gives an accurate history of the virus, then reimagines it as weaponized, not only in WW1, but again in WW11(?). The time line follows the characters, the organizations, both using and fighting the virus. Thus many facts, What If Scenarios, are brought into play, giving the readers’ imaginations a run for his or her money.
There are many twists & turns as the story intertwines betwen present & past and the narratives of both times lines converge into a climax.
The story relates some advantages of our present time: antiviral medications, antibiotics, intensive care, ventilators, and of course current vaccines/developmental capabilities. The TCI Team, for instance, uses monoclonal antibodies that are specially engineered to attack a specific protein from some of the Siberian flu victims.
Of course, the enemy is working as well. For instance, some are working on experiments designed to develope a nanotechnology that would allow toxic biological infectious particles to be loaded into nanoparticles.
When inhaled, ingested, or injected, the nanoparticles would dissolve, releasing millions of infectious particles into the victim. The nanoparticles would act like a huge army of microscopic Trojan horses.
Thus, the spy vs. spy aspect, not only in technology but in human sources, is what makes this an entertaining an informative read.
I’ve always wondered what if the 1918 Spanish Flu virus wasn’t an accident, but either manufactured, or used as a weapon in WW1?
These authors start there and carry the ball forward into time with great imagination, story telling, and paying attention to the details, not only in history but in their sciences as well.
I turned the last page and wanted more.
Events of the last month
- Aug 28 – Sep 7, we enjoyed our family beach vacation in Pensacola. Barb and I had great joy being with our children and grandchildren.
- Sep 15, I flew to South Bend, Indiana, and shared a meal with my dear friend, Tom Felger.
- Sep 16, I was on the live cable TV show, The Harvest Show, discussing my latest health book, 10 Essentials of Happy, Healthy People: Becoming and staying highly healthy. You can view the interview here. Note that I’m on the last half of the show. You can also watch the two other times I’ve been on the show:
- Thursday, May 22, 2008, Alternative Medicine here.
- Wednesday, April 23, 2008, His Brain, Her Brain here.
- Sep 16-18, I was blessed to be able to attend the HCJB Global international board meeting at the HCJB Gobal Technology Center in Elkhart, Indiana. It’s an amazing ministry and is doing great work around the world.
- Sep 28 – Oct 3, Barb, Kate, and I are in Chicago. Barb and Kate are enjoying a ladies weekend shopping and playing tourist while I’m attending an AMA Meeting (the RUC meeting). However, during my down time, I’ll be enjoying time with them – if they let me!
Upcoming Events
- Oct 5 – 8, Barb and I will be in San Antonio visiting with our dear friends, Dr. Fred and Marian Brown, and enjoying the River Walk.
- On Tuesday evening, I’ll be speaking at the annual CMDA Banquet on the topic of “A Person is A Person, No Matter How Small: My journey into becoming a pro-life physician.”
- On Wednesday evening, I’ll be speaking at the Christus Santa Rosa Medical Center on the topic of “The Spiritual History.”
- Oct 15 – 16, I will be flying solo to Lincoln, Nebraska, and presenting three talks on “His Brain, Her Brain: How Understanding the Differences Can Impact Personal & Professional Relationships” at the Critical Issues in Medicine Seminar at the BryanLGH Medical Center East Medical Center.
- Oct 23, Barb and I will be attending the annual Life Network Banquet and Silent Auction in Colorado Springs.
- Oct 27 – Nov 2, I’ll be serving as a Visiting Professor at In His Image Family Medicine Residency in Tulsa, OK.
- Oct 27 – Nov 2, Barb and Kate will travel to Baton Rouge to visit with family.
Past Issues:
You can get more information on many of my upcoming events here.