Twelve Reasons Why the Senate Health Care Bill Should Alarm Each of Us
January 12, 2010Dr. Walt’s Testimony Before Congress on Faith-based Perspectives on the Provision of Community Services
January 12, 2010The Guardian in England has an amazing story about a partially blind man regaining his vision.
Russell Turnbull, 38, suffered massive damage to his right eye when he was caught in a scuffle after a night out in Newcastle in 1994. On the bus home, Turnbull had tried to intervene in a fight between two men but was injured when one of them began squirting passengers with ammonia.
The chemical severely scarred Turnbull’s cornea, the clear membrane that covers the front of the eye, and destroyed stem cells that usually help keep the cornea healthy.
In an experimental treatment devised by doctors at the North East England Stem Cell Institute in Newcastle, stem cells were taken from Turnbull’s healthy eye and grown on a layer of amniotic tissue, which is routinely used as a burn dressing.
The NHS banks amniotic sacs donated by women who have had a Caesarean section.
When the cells had covered the membrane, a piece the size of a postage stamp was transplanted onto Turnbull’s damaged eye. Two months later the membrane had broken down, leaving his damaged eye with a fresh supply of healthy stem cells, which repaired the cornea.
Here are some of my past posts about stem cells:
- Adult Stem Cells from Fat Tissue Offer Hope for MS Treatment
- Adult Stem Cell Research Has Yet Another Victory – Helps Type 1 Diabetics
- First-Ever Treatment of Stroke Using Adult Stem Cells (another reason embryonic stem cell research is doomed)
- Healing for the Holidays: Adult Stem Cell Research Still Outpaces Embryonic by Miles and Miles and Miles …
- ‘Research Miracle’ – Pancreas cells transformed into insulin producing cells
- Ethical Stem Cell Research Helps Scientists Study Genetic Disorders
- Adult Stem Cells Treat Lung Disease
- Adult Stem Cells Show Promise for Healing Broken Bones
- Two Great and Ethical Developments with Adult Stem Cells
- Doctor Mehmet Oz Tells Oprah’s Audience Embryonic Stem Cell Research Debate is Dead
- Why Embryonic Stem Cell Research Is Obsolete
- Charles Krauthammer says Obama is morally flawed about stem cells and science
- Embryonic stem cells without embryos gives even MORE reasons to oppose embryonic stem cell research
- Pro-Life Group Calls Obama Embryonic Stem Cell Research Guidelines a Human Cloning Bait and Switch
- Why is O’Bama insisting on embryonic stem cell research? Is he nuts?
- Unethical retinal transplant with fetal cells boosts vision — but at what cost? (This will make you sick)
I need to know whether adult stem cell treatments is available in US and whom can I contact for this.
Regards, Sureh Joshi
You have to check with the university that has announced the results in each of the instances I discuss. Virtually all of these trials are still experimental.