Johns Hopkins Review of Abortion, Depression Link Ignores Three New Studies
December 5, 2008HEADLINE: “Abortion not seen linked with depression.” Don’t believe it for a second.
December 5, 2008The results of a new study from a Johns Hopkins University research team claiming that there is no link between abortions and mental health problems for women should come as no surprise. The authors of the study, which the mainstream media touted Thursday, are bankrolled by Planned Parenthood.
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The JHU department of Population, Family, and Reproductive Health, where three of the four authors are employed, is funded by Planned Parenthood of Maryland, the state’s largest abortion business.
Meanwhile, LifeNews is reporting that study co-author Robert Blum heads up one of the most heavily funded population control programs in the world, which is worth roughly $1 billion.
Blum has also been intimately involved in the abortion business and has been on the board of directors of the Alan Guttmacher Institute, which is formerly the research arm of Planned Parenthood. He was the chairman of the pro-abortion group from 1999-2002.
Blum has also testified numerous times against laws allowing for parental notification before a teenage girl can have an abortion.
Tony Perkins, the head of the Family Research Council, told that these affiliations cast severe doubt on the accuracy of the JHU study.
“Not surprisingly, the Hopkins study is severely tainted by the team’s pro-abortion bias,” he said. “He and the other authors claim that any studies showing a link between abortion and depression are politically motivated, but considering the Department’s ties to Planned Parenthood, theirs is living proof.”
“As more evidence pours in contradicting Blum and company, this is just poor science,” Perkins added.
Perkins also said he’s not surprised at the timing of the study — done just one month ahead of incoming president Barack Obama’s administration.
“Now weeks away from the dawning of the Obama Administration, the parade of junk science has begun in hopes of substantiating the new President’s anti-life agenda,” he said.
Perkins also joined top researcher Priscilla Coleman in saying that the JHU review of studies left out several research papers confirming the link between abortion and adverse mental health issues.
“Blum’s review of 21 surveys conveniently omitted the stacks of research published in peer-reviewed journals that showed an association between abortion and negative mental health effects,” he said.
“The research team at Johns Hopkins is attempting to persuade policymakers that abortion does not cause emotional distress, despite strong evidence to the contrary,” he concluded.