Unethical retinal transplant with fetal cells boosts vision — but at what cost? (This will make you sick)
July 14, 2008Podcast Moody Radio Florida 7-16-08
July 16, 2008LifeSiteNews.com is reporting that the habit of “self-harming” is 50 times more likely to occur in lesbians than in the general population of women. They quote a Scottish study showing 20 percent of lesbian and bisexual women, of a total of 500 women surveyed in Scotland had deliberately harmed themselves in the last year, compared to 0.4 per cent of the general population.
My Take?
The study, Prescription for Change, was conducted by the homosexual lobby organization Stonewall. The same study also showed that five per cent of lesbian and bisexual women have attempted suicide in the last year.
Homosexual activists commonly interpret such statistics as support for the doctrine that it is the lack of “acceptance” from the non-homosexual world that causes the problems.
But other research has shown that in communities are highly accepting of homosexuality (i.e., Scandinavia) that the association of homosexuality and serious mental health disorders (i.e., severe depression, elevated levels of drug and alcohol abuse, and self-destructive behavior) persists.
The Christian Medical Association has reviewed the available studies on homosexuality and has produced a statement with their conclusions. Their statement can be viewed here.
The CMDA points out:
• The causes of same-sex attraction appear to be multi-factorial and may include developmental, psychosocial, environmental and biological factors. There is no credible evidence at this time that same-sex attraction is genetically determined.
• Acting on homosexual attraction is voluntary. Claims of genetic or environmental determinism do not relieve individuals of moral responsibility for their sexual behavior.
• Homosexual behavior can be changed. There is valid evidence that many individuals who desired to abstain from homosexual acts have been able to do so.
• Some homosexual acts are physically harmful because they disregard normal human anatomy and function. These acts are associated with increased risks of tissue injury, organ malfunction, and infectious diseases. These and other factors result in a significantly shortened life expectancy.
• Among those involved in homosexual acts, there is an increased incidence of drug and/or alcohol dependence, compulsive sexual behavior, anxiety, depression, and suicide.
• Homosexual relationships are typically brief in duration. Homosexual behavior is destructive to the structures necessary for healthy marriages, families and society. Men who commit homosexual acts have a high incidence of promiscuity, child molestation, and sexually transmitted infections. Homosexual behaviors burden society with increased medical costs, increased disability, and loss of productivity.
• Homosexual behavior can be self-propagating. Some homosexual groups and individuals engage in active recruitment. A child who is sexually molested has an increased likelihood of later engaging in homosexual acts. There is also an increased incidence of homosexual activity among children raised by same sex couples. Adoption into such environments puts children at risk.
• Legalizing or blessing same sex marriage or civil unions is harmful to the stability of society, the raising of children and the institution of marriage. If the only criterion for marriage were mutual consent or commitment, there are no grounds to prohibit polygamy, polyandry or incestuous unions.
When it come to how the Christian community should respond to homosexuality, the CMDA statement concludes:
• The Christian community must respond to the complex issues surrounding homosexuality with grace, civility, and love.
• Christian doctors in particular must care for their patients involved in homosexual behavior in a non-discriminating and compassionate manner, consistent with biblical principles.
• Anyone struggling with homosexual temptation should evoke neither scorn nor enmity, but evoke our concern, compassion, help, and understanding.
• The Christian community must condemn hatred and violence directed against those involved in the homosexual behavior.
• The Christian community must help society understand that homosexuality has grave spiritual, emotional, physical and cultural consequences. Christians should oppose legislative attempts to grant special rights based on sexual behavior or to equate homosexual relationships with heterosexual marriages.
• The Christian community and especially the family must resist stereotyping and rejecting individuals who do not fit the popular norms of masculinity and femininity. Also, it is important for parents to guide their children in appropriate gender identity development. For children who are experiencing gender identity confusion, we must provide appropriate role models, and therapy if needed.
• The Christian community must encourage and strongly support all those who wish to abandon homosexual behavior.
• The Christian community should oppose the legalization of same sex marriage and/or blessing and adoption into homosexual environments.
• God provides the remedy for all moral failure through faith in Jesus Christ and the life changing power of the Holy Spirit.
I just met you at the CAFP meeting. I was impressed with your talk, but your blog contains information and opinion that would be offensive to many of my colleagues and patients. You told me that you do not in fact beleive that homosexuality is a choice, but a biologic variation. Why then do you present the CDMA statement and conclusions without writing a critique? Posting it without this implies agreement.
You discussed with me today in person the research that shows a developmental effect with regard to testosterone at early development that may determine the make up of one’s brain. Is it important to you to distinguish between genetic and biologic causes? Does that somehow change the acceptance in your opinion?
Please elaborate, since your language of “harm of homosexuality” and “The CMDA points out” supports my impression that you agree with it. If you do, at least say it here and to me in person. I don’t think I misinterpreted your blog.
One other comment:
You start with a medical discussion of a scientific article, and end it with a religious answer. I think you would be encounter less risk of being misinterpreted if you kept your science talk scientific, and your religious talk separate.
Also, I misspelled believe in my prior comment.
In the original blog, I said, “But other research has shown that approaching homosexuality as a serious mental disorder also explains the severe depression, elevated levels of drug and alcohol abuse, and self-destructive behaviour that are common among homosexuals.”
That is not an accurate statement. I have corrected the sentence into what I believe is accurate.
Dr. Hansen takes me to task for saying, “You can read the Christian Medical Association statement about the harm of homosexuality here.”
I have changed that to read, “The Christian Medical Association has reviewed the available studies on homosexuality and has produced a statement with their conclusions.” You, dear readers, can decide about the issue of harm.
I believe that the Christian Medical Association’s statement about what the scientific research says about homosexuality is accurate and well referenced. You can find the references for each of their statements at http://www.cmda.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Sexuality&Template=/CM/HTMLDisplay.cfm&ContentID=2295.
In addition, I find that the CMDA’s statement about how Christians should respond to homosexuality to be gracious, compassionate, and well reasoned.
And, I would hope that homosexuals will be willing to grant to Christians the same tolerance that they request.